
TG War Bikini Arc: Inner Savage Part 1

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"White Fog stoops low in jungle." Mason muttered like a Native American Sage as he carefully walked through the islands jungles. Upon seeing Jake Stormer scream and run off Mason was angry that Jake had forced him to be it in tag. Or were they playing hide and go seek? Either way, they could have at least done nose goes, so Mason abandoned counting to ten and just chased after the writer. Problem is, Mason doesn't do much in the way of physical exercise so he ran out of steam long before Jake did and had lost the trail. Not only that, when Mason stopped to look around he noticed that he had no clue where he was and there were no carrots around to tell him which way was North.

Back to the present Mason had taken his tank top, torn from running through twigs and briars, and wrapped it around his head like a bandana while having smeared black marks along his cheeks like a guerrilla fighter in Vietnam, and after a few trips and falls he was now caked in a layer of dirt and grime completing an almost tribal look.

Max flew down from the treetops with her own savage land regalia and took a knee on Mason's shoulder to whisper into his ear."Chief Mason, me thinks me see the prey coming from the Rightsouth. Looks like good gumption. Ambush recommended."

Mason nodded sagely as the information was relayed to him. "Ooooh yes yes yes yes, prepare for swift escape once prey is tagged. Use White Fog to advantage so cannot be followed." Hearing the sound of footsteps and conversation in the distance, Mason dove into the bushes to ready his ambush. He identified two voices, one being Jake Stormer and the other...Some cowboy from an old Western? He watched them walk past and silently followed them from the cover of the underbrush listening to their conversation. Jake was trailing off about how his usual comrade Joe viewed this Kisa as a girl, and this caused Mason ponder why this "kisa" would not be seen as a girl if she was one. His unceasing wonder on what the young writer meant caused Mason to become unaware of his surroundings and suddenly Bonk! a rock hit Mason on the head causing him to lose his balance and take a heavy step sideways to regain it only for a twig to snap underneath his boot with a loud Craaaaaaack!

Mason flinched at the sound while all his mind friends joined in a unanimous Uh oooooh.

"Shit! Someone's trailing us!" Mason heard the cowboy sounding guy exclaim. He'd been discovered! Stupid rock! Welp, when the bacon is cooked you gotta eat...

Mason sprang out from the underbrush shouting "BAAAAANZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI!" and began firing his rifle in all different directions like a maniac...Which is precisely what he was and continues to be to this very day.

Jake and the cowboy shielded their heads from the lasers as various twigs and branches rained down on them. Jake shouted "Fucking hell, why did it have to be the crazy!?" and readied his pen. It was then that Max swooped down from the treetops with a toothpick as a spear and bit down hard on Jake's index finger causing the vulgar writer to scream "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" at the top of his lungs.

Mason covered his ears, auditory senses overwhelmed by the high decibel profanity before shouting back. "Your language is rather ear-splitting and my ears don't take well to being split so I doth declare no tag backs!" and aimed his sights down towards Jake's still open mouth and pressed down on the trigger sending a laser blast right into the boy's agape maw.

Jake fell off his feet and coughed and gagged from the impact of the laser even as his body began to feminize itself. "Fuck...You..."

The cowboy looked at the pathetic hacking mess that was now Jake and then looked at Mason. "You're a sick little boy aren't you?"

Mason scratched at his small goatee, "It is true this one is sick in mind, but intentions were only to-D'OOOOW" Mason's explanation was cut short with a .44 cal TG Bullet hitting him straight in the head and causing him to fall on his back.

"And now we're even." The cowboy declared while blowing the smoke from his revolver.

Max who was still biting Jake's hand let go and went wide-eyed with excitement. "Oh this is gonna be fun to watch. Y'all are dead meat! Hehehehehehehe!" She flew away to Mason, now Madison, and hovered next to her.

The cowboy raised an eyebrow, "what does she mean?" He looked towards Jake for answers.

Jake managed to clear her throat, aside from her figure she didn't look much different which was to say she didn't make a very pretty girl. "Rumor has it that when Mason is TG'd he gains access to the chaotic energy that 'nourishes' his insanity. Nobody knows much about it but it is held that Mason becomes a powerhouse on par with Reena when the ability is unlocked. Oh, and he gets much more vengeful and obsessed with world domination."

The cowboy slammed his palm against his forehead, "Shit! I reckon then it might be wise to get the hell out before she comes to."

Jake nodded frantically, "Let's go!" She got up on her feet and the unlikely pair began to turn and run when a booming voice shouted "HALT!"
Mason and Max thought Jake ran off because everyone was playing TG Tag and thinking they were it decided to chase after him. Mason has a poor sense of direction and soon got lost where he started to go tribal within only a couple hours of roaming around. Why? Because he's crazy. 

After: Unlikely Friendship

Jake Stormer and Silver Shot belong to le fabulous :iconjoenomrc:
© 2016 - 2024 InsaneandSexy
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Jenni-No-Mercy's avatar
Jake: Oh and I'm sure I looked better than you did, you psychopathic imbecile!

(I only joke. I swear!)